Dear Parent /Carer,
At St Robert’s we pride ourselves on high standards of uniform. Haircuts form an important part of the uniform. The vast majority of our students present themselves in exemplary fashion and are to be commended on their high standards. However, unfortunately, it has become apparent in recent weeks that a number of male students, particularly but not exclusively in KS4, have had their hair cut in ways which are inappropriate for our school.

I am therefore taking this opportunity to clarify a few points regarding the rules to be adhered to by all students in Years 7-11:

• Hairstyles should be sensible, at the discretion of Pastoral Staff (no fashion accessories, no tramlines, steps, Mohicans, or outlandish colour).
• Hair must not be shaved to an extreme shortness. The school will be the arbiter of whether hair is too short, but as a starting point hair shaved shorter than a number 2 guard will be deemed too short.
• No zero guard skin fades (any fades should be no shorter than a number 2 guard).

I also remind students that make-up and false tan are not to be worn. Students are not to wear earrings and this includes clear studs or ‘spacers’.

I would be grateful if all parents and carers can ensure that all students, without exception, adhere to the school’s expectations in this area. Any student who fails to meet these expectations from this point onwards will face a sanction. We wish to maintain high standards of appearance amongst our student body, and I am sure parents and carers will support us in this aim.

Yours faithfully,

Mr D Juric

Head Teacher