We started running the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at St Roberts in 2018, becoming a licensed organisation. Since we became a licensed organisation, we have had students achieve bronze and silver awards. We are looking at introducing the gold award into year 12 for September 2022. Generally, we will recruit new participants onto the Bronze Award when they are in Year 10, Silver in Year 11, and Gold when in Sixth Form. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award gives our students the opportunity to develop new skills, broaden their horizons, and grow as individuals.

The expedition section is a big focus of a young person’s DofE Award, and the expedition sections get harder and progressively longer as you progress through the Bronze, Silver and finally Gold Awards. We have taken expeditions out towards Hexham, Haltwhistle as well as Wolsingham.

Alongside their expeditions, students must work on a ‘volunteering, skills, and physical’ section of their award at all three award levels. Over the years, we have had students participate in many varied activities for their award sections, including: gym work, cooking, baking, dog walking, sports coaching, scouts/brownies and soap making to name a few!

Here is what to expect at each level


Bronze award – Year 10

There are four sections to get involved with and these are:

Volunteering (3 months service)
Skill (3 month skill development)
Physical (3 months developing a physical skill)
Expedition (2 days and 1 night – practice and assessment)

Silver award – Year 11

There are four sections to get involved with and these are:

Volunteering (6 months service)
Skill (6 month skill development)
Physical (6 months developing a physical skill)
Expedition (3 days and 2 nights – practice and assessment)

Gold award – Year 12

There are five sections to get involved with and these are:

Volunteering (12 months service)
Skill (12 or 6 months service)
Physical (12 or 6 months service)
(Skill and Physical must total 18 months service combined)
Expedition (4 days and 5 nights – practice and assessment)
Residential (5 days and 4 nights)
For further information, please visit the Duke of Edinburgh website here.

If you are stuck for ideas on any of the sections, more information can be found here.


Kit List
Training Programme

Key Staff

Miss R Morgan, Mr S Hall and Mr P Williams